I often joke that my religion is Freddism. This is because Fred Rogers and Freddie Mercury are the pillars of my personal ideals. I try to hold those tenets in everything I do but especially in business where it is often all too easy to make choices you might not otherwise simply because it's "good for the business."
Be kind - To yourself. To others. To the planet. I repurpose and reuse anything I can. That might mean there's some waste plastic in your art. It might mean the packaging materials are old bubble mailers. It might mean I salvaged some wood to make that frame!
Be Fabulous - Don't make yourself small or quiet to please anyone! And that goes for art too. I love that I can draw inspiration from anywhere and I'm okay if it isn't everyone's favorite thing. I know when I am passionate I do my best work!
Be You - You are great. You are not perfect. You have a lot to give. I want you to know that these are things I struggle with believing about myself, and it is okay if you do too. But you are Enough. And it is my hope that Pulped Fiction can be a community, a sanctuary for you, whoever you are.
Be Kind. Be Fabulous. Be You.